Stories Behind Traditional Outfits
01 September 2023

THE National Textile Museum''s Pameran Warna Warni Busana Malcysia exhibition at a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya has been attracting a steady stream of visitors.

The pop-up “museum” at the Paradigm Mall will be on public display until Sept 17. The show features an array of traditional Malaysian costumes (from various ethnic groups) and historic ceremonial pieces.

“This exhibition highlights the uniqueness and special qualities of the traditional attire of the Malays, Chinese, Indians, ethnic groups of Sabah and Sarawak, as well as the Orang Asli,” said Tengku Intan Rahimah Tengku Mat Saman, National Textile Museum director.

Pameran Warna Warni Busana Malaysia aims to showcase the uniqueness, elegance and diversity of these traditional costumes that symbolise a multiracial Malaysia in conjunction with the Merdeka Day 2023 celebrations.

“The collection also includes the royal headdress worn by every king and sultan, as well as accessories that complement various attires,” she added.

Tengku Intan Rahimah said the exhibition, which is targeting 10,000 visitors, features 68 exhibits belonging to the National Textile Museum. Other exhibits were loaned from the Royal Museum and National Archives of Malaysia.

Among the interesting exhibits is the replica of the “muscat dress” worn by the late first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj during the Merdeka ceremony in 1957, as well as Tengkolok Diraja or the royal regalia.

“Other adornments include ‘Selendang Kelingkan'' made of pink fabric embellished with embroidery using ‘pipeh'' metal tape with scattered flower motifs, and ‘Pinakol'' or beaded accessories made by the Rungus ethnic in Kudat, Sabah,” she said.

Tengku Intan Rahimah added that for safety reasons, most of the items displayed in the exhibition were replicas that closely resembled the originals.

A visitor from Kuala Lumpur, Walter Chua, 41, said the exhibition helped him learn more about Malaysians'' traditional costumes and the royal regalia.

“I just found out that each tengkolok is unique and that every state has its own binding style,” he said.

Click here to read original article from The Star (Culture).