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WCT Material Use Policy
WCT’s policy on Material Use is one that is centred on the responsible sourcing, use and disposal of material that cause minimal harm to the ecosystem, the environment and the society at large. Therefore, WCT is committed to using materials that bear the following characteristics:-
Products that are capable of withstanding wear and tear over a longer period of time without significant deterioration that impedes their performance.
Responsibly Produced
Goods produced based on ethical standards that respect international norms and conventions and with minimal harm to the environment.
Environmental Protection
Products that cause minimal damage to the environment from degradation, waste production, air pollution and loss of biodiversity from its use, maintenance and disposal.
Renewable Energy
A product that uses renewable energy rather than fossil fuel or at least hybrid, where possible.
Recycled Content
Products that have the ability to be recycled to the same product after the first-cycle use or products that have a high degree of recycled content.
Local Product
To give priority to locally produced products to support and grow the domestic economy.
Recyclable Material
Products that are able to be recycled in totality and delay eventual disposal to landfills.
Efficient Water Use
Products that promote efficient use of water and reduce the production of wastewater.
Efficient Energy Use
Products that promote efficient use of energy.
Health and Safety of Users
Products that promote the health and safety of users and advances the quality of the workplace.


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